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Schumer’s Non Self Help Book

Calling all Amy Schumer lovers AND haters: Schumer’s first book titled “The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo” goes above and beyond raunchy anecdotes and obnoxious one-liners.

I was a fan of Schumer before reading the novel, but I also understand why others disapprove of her stand-up and overall facade. Therefore, I can say with confidence that whichever side of the spectrum you fall on, your feelings about Schumer will be altered by the end of this book. There’s no way to promise that you will fall in love with her, but at the very least, readers should gain a renowned respect for her authenticity and vulnerability.

Although Schumer explicitly reminds readers that her story should not be used as a guide to understanding life, this comedian who took the world by storm underestimated her work. The following list includes major takeaways and important messages from “The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo.” It certainly does not encapsulate all of the greatness within the 320 pages, but it does highlight how some of her experiences can translate into your own life.

  1. Adults are still human.

This was analyzed and explained by Schumer herself, but it’s still important to reiterate for adult figures in your life other than your parents. If teachers or coaches are bringing you down, don’t let their words effect you too heavily. Chances are they are just as flawed as you are, and their opinions should not be the end all, be all. Stand up for yourself and realize there will be instances when the elders in your life are acting more lofty and immature than you.

  1. Sexual assault isn’t always committed by a masked robber in an alley.

I know you’ve heard this one before, but there’s a difference between seeing statistics and reading a real-life account from someone who lost her virginity through nonconsensual sex with her boyfriend. Schumer’s story is raw, relatable and inspiring. Abusive relationships can happen to everyone, even those in the spotlight.

  1. Dating apps are the future.

There’s still a pretty big stigma about online dating, but it’s an inevitable aspect of modern relationships. Schumer met her beau through online dating, and they seem to be one of the more authentic relationships in Hollywood.

  1. Labels are arbitrary.

Schumer has been referred to as a loud, obnoxious, egotistical whore and many other variations of some not-so-nice names. That’s why I was shocked to find out Schumer considers herself an introvert, she’s only had a single one-night stand and she spent her pre-tween life helping handicapped adults at a summer camp. We forget that comedians are also actors, and when they get on stage, they, too, put on a persona in order to entertain the masses. Those aforementioned adjectives don’t define or limit her ability to be multi-dimensional.

  1. Journaling is a must.

Not only is it a healthy, daily exercise, but also there is no greater joy than looking back on an entry and adding present day commentary. Some of Schumer’s greatest chapters do just that. It’s a beautiful thing to reflect on your older, more naive self while wishing you had your current knowledge back then. It’s very self-fulfilling to have tangible proof of your mental and emotional growth.

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