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Posts published in “Opinion”

Journalism a tough job

When I started working at the Scout about two years ago, I don’t think I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. And as I took on a larger role at the Scout, I started to learn how difficult being a journalist can be.…

Don’t vote the lesser evil in the upcoming election

In politics, people often use the terminology “the lesser of two evils” to express their choice for a particular political candidate not because they like them or believe in what they stand for, but rather because they feel their candidate is “less evil” than the…

Public figure should show public some respect

University Police received two phone calls complaining about noise at the Sigma Nu house late Friday night to early Saturday morning. BUPD responded to the calls and asked members of Sigma Nu and their guests to move their gathering from the house’s outdoor back patio…

Emmy Awards weren’t up to par

So did anyone actually watch the Emmys?  Pardon me, the “Primetime” Emmys. With all TV has to offer these days, how could such an awards show be such a flop?  We recently ran an article on the MTV Video Music awards and, simply put, I…

Ignorance is not bliss

America is one great big melting pot of culture and diversity. With so many different people with diverse backgrounds, you’d think Americans would be knowledgeable about foreign customs and other people’s ways of life. Sadly, this is not always the case. For Bradley students wanting…

Students should get off Facebook, get informed

Recently Facebook underwent a makeover, and everyone is talking about it. Anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock knows about it and has either praised it or complained about it for what seems like an inordinate amount of time. The new Facebook seems to…

Clinton supporters should not be fooled by Palin

In recent months, one can hardly turn on a TV or radio without hearing about a very important voting bloc and how they might decide to cast their votes. I am referring to former Hillary Clinton supporters. Ever since the former candidate threw in the…

Stray from usual classes

All students come to college knowing they have to take certain types of classes: general education requirements, major classes and classes specific to your college. I never thought I was going to be able to take anything but communication, journalism and English classes. What most…

Being greek requires effort

Congratulations, new fraternity and sorority members! You got some foreign letters on your chest, big woop, wanna fight about it? Actually, I don’t. I just want to say I hope you know what you’re in for. Having turned 22 a couple weeks ago, I consider…

On Facebook and worldly affairs

Those that know me know that I’m usually pretty freaking upbeat about life. But right now I’m going exercise my American right to do what we Americans do best – b****. First on my list of grievances is one almost every college student can be…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.