The other day I participated in an online survey regarding social media use, and the questions alone made me evaluate my habits.
There were questions like “How much time per day do you spend on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube?,” that when really thinking about it, I was embarrassed to answer. I know that with school, having a laptop is a must, with constant papers to write and important emails to check. But let’s face it, social media can be such a distraction.
When I’m typing a paper, I somehow think that typing two sentences entitles me to a break to check Facebook or Instagram, scroll through Buzzfeed or start watching Vines.
Before I know it, the seemingly innocent five-minute break has turned into an hour.
My entire point, however, isn’t that social media is too much of a distraction. We already know that.
My point is, we need to separate ourselves from the social media world and the school and work world every once in a while by doing something that is a passion or hobby. Something that takes your mind to another place. And I’m not referring to drugs or alcohol.
I was talking to a friend the other day who said she likes to read before bed. I was embarrassed to say that I couldn’t recall the last good book I read that wasn’t assigned in class.
I, personally, find drawing really enjoyable and relaxing and couldn’t even remember the last time I did that.
We become so consumed in the day-to-day routine that it sometimes feels like life is on autopilot.
I’m not saying to completely disconnect for a day. (But if you’ve got time, go for it) I’m saying that whether it’s baking, drawing, music, reading or exercise that takes you to that other place, do it. Even if it’s only 20 minutes out of your day.
Give your eyes a break from the glare of your computer screen and build up some skills.
Excuse yourself from the real world every once in a while to focus solely on you.
Take time to focus on what counts
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