In 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama, did something that campaigns dream to do. His campaign found a perfect attitude, offering the nation a promise of hope and change. Four years ago, Obama even belittled the campaign techniques that he described as “the politics of insult.”
“You don’t deserve a bunch of name-calling,” he told a Virginia crowd in the summer of 2008. “You don’t deserve a bunch of mudslinging.”
Four years later and it seems that the Obama re-election campaign has resorted to their previously tested technique. With failing poll numbers, the Obama campaign has turned its campaign message from one of hope, to one of hate. Instead of challenging his opponent, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, on substance, the Obama camp has resorted to derision and egotism.
At the final presidential debate in Florida, Obama was more than just disapproving of Romney’s policies, he was fully inappropriate.
During an exchange about the military, Obama made a poor effort to correct Romney’s argument that we should not cut military spending, and he did it with pure disdain and arrogance: “I think Governor Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works. You mentioned the Navy, for example, and we had few ships than we did in 1916. We also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military has changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them,” Obama said condescendingly.
Over and over again, it seemed as if the President was more worried about getting his “zingers” in than putting forth a positive message for the entire nation to see.
The President’s entire re-election campaign has been ridiculing the most serious of issues, rather than challenging Romney’s policies or presenting a positive vision for his second term. The Obama campaign has resorted to immature phrases like “Romnesia” and has made Big Bird a central theme in the crucial discussion about our climbing national debt.
With less than a week away from the election, many voters have made up their minds – and the joke may be on Obama.
Barack Obama has failed as a president because he is incompetent, dishonest and uninterested in the actual work of governing. His policies have helped consign millions of Americans to a lower standard of living and his odious class welfare has further divided our nation.
Mitt Romney is equipped with policies and characteristics that could make him a very good president. He has abounding potential and his economic policies could spark real growth where it counts; in the job market – not food stamps.
Romney sharply recognizes the danger of the nation’s growing debt. In his running mate Paul Ryan, he chose a young, smart, dependable person that encompasses great knowledge of the budget mess but nevertheless has an optimistic view of America’s future.
On foreign policy, Romney is a novice, but his thoughts on the need for American power are justified and his remarks in the final debate about Obama’s apology tour were definitive. Mitt Romney is right on the mark when he says Obama has made the nation less safe by weakening our stance on foreign policy.
Romney isn’t a “movement conservative,” but is moderate and sensible. As he proved as Governor of Massachusetts, he can work in a bi-partisan matter, collectively with Democrats, and get things done. His promises to bring this bipartisan attitude to the capital are especially appealing considering the gridlock in Congress and the President’s tendency to converse with his own party behind closed doors.
Samantha is a senior political science and journalism major. She is also the Bradley College Republicans Public Relations director.