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The Earbug 2.8.13: Gary Clark JR.

This week in the return of the Earbug, we’re getting our sexy on. Say hello to the sounds of Gary Clark Jr.

So maybe just defining him as sexy is limiting. In reality, Gary Clark Jr. could also be described as: genius, the past and future of blues, a love child of Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn, soulful, gritty…the list goes on.

The Austin, Texas guitarist has made his mark on the music world by mixing shredding guitar solos with soulful contemporary blues, sprinkled with a little hip hop and finished with deliciously addictive vocals. He has been playing since his teens and shared the stage with Eric Clapton and Sheryl Crown at Crossroads Guitar Festival back in 2010, establishing himself as one of the best, even without an album.

In October, he released his debut album with Warner Brothers Records and has been coasting along the road to legend status since.

“Blak and Blu” is a great representation of Clark Jr.’s varied style, with tracks ranging from old school blues to psychedelic rock to hip hop with an infusion of jazz. It’s one of those great records that you can listen to over and over without getting sick of because the sounds are so different from one another.

The tracks feature Clark Jr.’s obvious guitar talents, but also showcase his lyrical prowess. They are meaningful and poetic yet catchy and unassuming.

If you’ve never heard of this southern rising star before now, you owe it to yourself to check him out. His music demonstrates what a million music junkies are always trying to put into words. There are overarching themes and influences of the classic styles that find their way into any good music, despite the genre and style. “Blak and Blu” showcases this perfectly and the result is an album that anyone can enjoy, no matter their musical tastes.


Make out to: “Bright Lights”

Drive around town to: “The Life”

Enjoy being single on Valentine’s Day to: “Glitter ain’t gold

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