Originally published November 12, 2010
A Student Senate resolution passed on Monday aims to give students a stronger voice in the current student alcohol policy.
“In senior exit surveys, seniors said one of the most hated things about Bradley is the alcohol policy,” said Student Body Vice President Tricia Anklan. “There are a lot of things that students don’t understand about the policy and we need to address that.”
The resolution, written by Anklan and Student Relations Chairwoman Danielle McMillan, recommends the original group that developed the student alcohol plan reconvene to evaluate and discuss the policy.
This committee, called the Special Committee to Develop a Comprehensive Alcohol Plan, last met in October 2008 and consisted of administrators and five students.
Because the students who served on this committee have all graduated, Senate suggests five students from five different areas of the student body serve.
McMillan said the students will be chosen on behalf of their organizations, one student serving for Senate, residential life, greek life, athletes and a fifth student representating the student body at large.
“These groups are some of the most prominent groups on campus,” Macmillan said. “I would like to have one student represent each, and there is a spot for a student to serve the student body at large to represent students who don’t exactly fall under any of the other categories.”
Alcohol education and awareness program coordinator Lyndsey Hawkins said it is important to reconvene a committee like this because there is new research that needs to be considered.
“I think the alcohol plan is very affective but the field of alcohol education is always changing,” she said. “There is a lot that needs to be added to the program and students will help figure out what would be most effective.”
McMillan said she agreed.
“The policy went into effect October 2008 when I was a freshman,” she said. “A lot of things have changed and it is important to have student input. It doesn’t make sense to create something and leave it alone.”
In addition to reconvening the original development committee, Senate is requesting that three students are able to serve on the Alcohol Action Plan Implementation Committee.
This committee meets about once a month to discuss and evaluate the implementation of the alcohol policy and any changes that need to be made. Since its creation, the implementation committee has only consisted of members of faculty and administration – no students have served on the committee.
“Since it is only administration serving on the committee they don’t directly see the way it affects students and there is no accountability,” McMillan said. “They can say it works great but they don’t see it from the students side. Bringing students to the committee will bring fresh eyes and ears to the implementation process.”
Hawkins said she is looking forward to more student involvement on these committees.
“I am excited,” she said. “We will be able to get feedback on what they see day to day implementation. It is really good because students will have a voice and ears and understand the policies and will be able to go back and tell their friends.”
Both Hawkins and Anklan said they believe the administration will be receptive to this resolution.
“[The administration] realizes that there is a big hole in this policy if they are not including students,” Anklan said. “Especially since it is a policy that is supposed to benefit them.”