The committee to find the university’s chief academic advisor has actively begun its search.
Dean of Education and Health Sciences Joan Sattler was named the chairperson of the committee to find the provost and vice president of Academic Affairs.
Although there are five vice presidents of the university, Sattler said the provost is “sort of the head vice president.”
“It is the person who manages and leads the internal academic affairs of the institution,” she said. “The president works more on the external affairs, such as fundraising.”
The provost also overlooks continuing education, information technology, the library, the registrar, study abroad and The Institute for Principled Leadership.
Two deans, a faculty member from each college, Vice President for Student Affairs Alan Galsky and Student Body President Kyle Malinowski are also on the committee.
A job description was posted in the Oct. 16, 23 and online editions of The Chronicle of Higher Education and on Bradley’s Web site. The committee also hired R. William Funk and Associates, a Texas-based search firm, which the university used to hire University President Joanne Glasser.
“Bill Funk is a search firm that works almost exclusively with provost and president searches,” Sattler said. “A lot of people are doing their jobs elsewhere. If people want to nominate someone at another institution, we’ve asked them to send that nomination to Bill Funk.”
The committee has already received some applications.
“We don’t reveal numbers,” Sattler said. “We’re beginning to develop the pool of candidates with those who have applied directly.”
Sattler said the number of applicants the committee decides to interview is contingent upon the quality of applications. However, Glasser has requested the committee narrow its pool down to three to five unranked candidates for her selection.
The committee will conduct airport interviews to do this. Airport interviews take place in a third-party location such as Chicago or St. Louis.
“Many are considering Bradley and want it confidential, because it might not be a good match,” Sattler said. “So then they can go back to their institution and do so confidentially.”
Once the pool of three to five candidates is selected, the candidates will come to campus, where students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to converse with them.
The committee expects to begin campus interviews in mid-spring.
Qualifications for the provost include having earned a doctorate, significant administrative experience at the dean level or higher and enough teaching that would merit tenure in one of the university’s academic departments.
The ideal candidate would also have leadership ability, experience in fiscal and personnel operations, organizational, interpersonal and communications skills, an appreciation for liberal and professional studies, a proven capacity to work effectively and collaboratively in a shared governance and the ability to be a strong advocate for the university, according to a list of preferred characteristics developed by the committee.
Robert Bolla is currently serving as the interim provost.
Before taking this position Bolla was the dean of the graduate school and associate provost for research. Details of his position after a provost is hired have not been finalized.