The university is in a pursuit to fill the position of one of its most important administrators.
Last week University Senate devised a search plan to fill the position of provost, the chief academic advisor of the university.
“The deans of each of the colleges report to the provost and, in concert with the faculty, are responsible for working with the provost to devise new curriculum and the academic strategy for the university,” University President Joanne Glasser said. “The provost represents the university in the president’s absence.”
In addition, the provost overlooks continuing education, information technology, the library, the registrar, study abroad and The Institute for Principled Leadership.
One faculty member from each college, two college deans, Student Body President Kyle Malinowski and one individual yet-to-be appointed by Glasser will form the search committee, according to a resolution passed by senate Sept. 3.
Although the committee is responsible for the search, Glasser will have the final say in hiring a candidate, University Senate President Molly Clusky said.
There is no deadline for hiring a candidate.
“Now that the search announcement has been made it is important to proceed with the process and identify qualified candidates as soon as possible,” Glasser said. “The goal is to get the position filled as soon as the right person is found for the job.”
Until a provost is hired, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Robert Bolla will continue to serve the position, as he has since July 2008.
Prior to being interim provost, Bolla was the dean of the graduate school and associate provost for research. Details of Bolla’s position after the provost is selected have not been finalized, Glasser said.