If you see a fire truck parked in the St. James Apartment Complex on Thursday, don’t be alarmed.
It’ll be there for a photo opp.
Team Bradley is putting together a photo of a living pink ribbon at noon Thursday at Meinen Field.
“We’re hoping that people will see it has an historic event for Bradley,” said Karen Metzinger, Team Bradley’s captain. “It’ll be a collaberation of the entire campus. It’ll make history.”
The Peoria Fire Department is bringing in a ladder truck so photographers can get the ariel shot.
Two hundred and fifty people are needed to fill in the ribbon, Metzinger said. Extra-large pink T-shirts will be provided.
And anyone who comes will be will taken care of.
Food is being donated by Jimmy John’s, the Fieldhouse and Nick and Willy’s Pizza.
After the picture, there is a bags tournament on the field complete with a DJ and a few other fun events.
“This is an opportunity for all of us at Bradley to come together and show our support for a cuase that’s very, very worthwhile,” Metzinger said. “Students, faculty and staff alike are very much encouraged to come help us make this ribbon. We’ve all been touched by breast cancer or cancer of some sort in our lives. It just gives us an opportunity to make a difference.”
Should there be inclement weather, the picture will be taken April 27.