Next week Williams Hall will see some extra noise and dust.
Director of Residential Living Nathan Thomas said preparations to replace the roof are set to begin sometime next week.
“Unlike a roof of a house with shingles, this is a more detailed and intricate project,” he said. “There are pebbles and rocks on top of the roof and they have to get all those off next week before they actually begin.”
Thomas said it is supposed to be loud and dusty, and several students expressed concern because of upcoming finals.
“It’s inconvenient because these past few weeks of school are busy,” said Anna Murr, a sophomore psychology major and Williams resident. “It might disrupt my sleep and if I am up early studying I am afraid it will be loud and annoying.”
Sophomore interactive media major Kendall Coleman, who lives on the top floor of Williams said he agrees with Murr.
“It will disrupt studying,” he said. “I will have to go to the library to study. I want to stay and study in my own room at my own desk.”
Thomas said the reason why work on the roof is beginning now is because they need to finish the roof before orientation sessions begin.
“We have a tight window of time to get the roof done before orientation to allow students to occupy the building,” he said. “In that window of time, it also can rain. Because we have tight time constraints, we chose to remove the rocks ahead of time.”
Although several students will find the repairs inconvenient, Thomas said he thinks students will understand.
“I’m not naive enough to not think people are unhappy with this,” Thomas said. “But I think everyone knows we’re doing a lot to improve campus.”
Sophomore pre-business major CJ Wrice is also a resident on the fifth floor of Williams. He said he is happy that they are replacing the roof.
“In our room the ceiling leaks,” he said. “Whenever there is a big storm or it rains a lot, it leaks. I’m hoping by replacing the roof, they will fix the problem.”
Thomas said in addition to replacing the roof of Williams, they will also begin working non-intrusive renovations on Heitz before the school year is complete.
“We’re starting with Heitz work,” he said. “It is in an area where students aren’t living so it will be self contained. We’re prepping everything so we can go forward. The timing of everything is to make sure everything gets done by they time students move back in.”