There are often stories in the news that are almost too ridiculous to be true. A story out of Las Vegas takes the cake as the most bizarre.
In this day and age, millions of Americans watch what they eat and generally try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many restaurants now offer health conscious consumers menu options that suit them, but one Las Vegas restaurant is bucking the trend.
It’s called the Heart Attack Grill, and apparently the place really does cause heart attacks.
A man in his 40s was eating the 6,000-calorie Triple Bypass Burger at the restaurant on Saturday when he began sweating, shaking and could barely talk.
Owner Jon Basso said despite the restaurant’s name it was the first time a customer had had a heart attack there.
“I actually felt horrible for the gentleman because the tourists were taking photos of him as if it were some type of stunt,” Yahoo said. “Even with our own morbid sense of humor, we would never pull a stunt like that. He was sweating, suffering. Anyone with an ounce of compassion would’ve felt for him.”
This story is bizarre and ironic in every way, but I’m still shocked this didn’t happen sooner. We’re talking about a restaurant that advertises that anyone over 350 lbs. eats for free.
Heck, I’d probably have a heart attack after eating a 6000-calorie burger too.
But no one can say he wasn’t warned. The Heart Attack Grill’s website proclaims the menu offers “Taste Worth Dying For.”
Luckily, the man survived the Triple Bypass Burger, but that’s what you get for going to a restaurant that encourages heart attacks.
If you think I’m now going to go into a rant about what a despicable place the Heart Attack Grill is and how they shouldn’t be allowed to serve food like that, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Frankly, I think the story is hilarious. What’s more ironic than a man eating a burger that is triple the number of calories you should eat in day and then having a heart attack at a place that encourages you to have a heart attack?
No one made that man go in and order the Triple Bypass Burger. Heck, I bet it’s delicious. You just have to be willing to suffer the consequences.
I’m sure some people think there should be regulation on restaurants to restrict calories and fat in their menu items, but to me that couldn’t be more ridiculous.
I don’t need the government to take care of me. If I want to eat three times the amount of calories I should in a day in one sitting I’m going to do it.
We’re adults. We can make our own decisions.
So take this story for the hilariousness it is and leave the politics out of it.