On Sept. 26, the Scout ran an article “Hours change for minors.” The Department of Foreign Languages did not undertake these changes lightly, but did so thoughtfully after lengthy research to bring our programs in line with those of our peer institutions.
It is essential that when our students graduate, they have the same preparation as those who received the same degree elsewhere. That is what they expect when they come to Bradley and that is what we owe them.
This article contains two important errors and one omission, all of which must be corrected. First, after noting that the department will be allowing some students to follow the old requirements on a “case-by-case basis,” the reporter indicates that Jade Peters was told by the department, “[s]tudents must have a good plea as to why they didn’t choose to add the minor before this semester.”
Yes, we will be allowing some students to follow the old requirements on a case-by-case basis. The only factors that will be used for making this decision, however, will be the number of credits completed, their graduation date and the particular needs of their unique situation. The reason why they did not declare the minor prior to June 2008 is immaterial.
More important, the article states “[n]ew requirements [for the minor] call for students to take 24 hours at the 300-level or higher, according to the department Web site.” This is not true, as anyone who looks carefully at our department Web site and the online catalog will discover. Under the new requirements, foreign language minors are still only required to take 18 hours, although coursework for the minor must now begin at the 300 level.
Finally, requirements have changed not just for minors, but also for majors. I encourage all foreign language minors and majors, as well as those interested in pursuing a foreign language minor or major, to consult our department Web site at http://www.bradley.edu/las/fld/ as well as the Department of Foreign Languages page in the online 2008-09 catalog: http://www.bradley.edu/pubs/UC2008-2009pdfs/LAS.pdf for the full descriptions of the new requirements.
On Oct., the Department of Foreign Languages plans to decide at our monthly meeting that students will have to follow the new requirements. Our policy should be posted on our department Web site by the end of the following week. It will also be announced in an e-mail to all students currently enrolled in a foreign language class. All questions should be directed to me.
Dr. Leslie A. Sconduto