This has been quite a year at Bradley.
It has been, without a doubt, one of the most exciting times to be on the Hilltop.
From the fall fight for MAP grants to the spring push for a mascot – it’s been a great year to be a student.
So, to those of you returning next year, we have this to say: don’t stop. Continue pushing the envelope in every way of life on campus.
We’re the taxpayers here, and we’ve made it clear this semester that were something of a force to be reckoned with.
It does not, of course, hurt that this is quite possibly the most receptive university administration Bradley’s ever seen. And because of them, student desires, senate resolutions and more, Bradley is a lot different than it was in September.
There’s a new recycling program that, we hope, will become campus wide in the not-too-distant future. The entire campus is becoming wireless – a change that was desperately needed.
And after decades of fighting, there’s a condom distribution plan finally in place on campus. It may not be perfect, but, like we’ve said on this page in the past, it is a step in the right direction.
So, get involved and keep it up.
For those who are graduating in a few weeks, we wish you all the best. Take the education you received here – the one you got both in and, what some would argue is more important, out of the classroom.
This has been a tumultuous four years at Bradley, and you’re all undoubtedly better for having gone through it.
Our last word of advice is this: don’t let the bad here overshadow the good.
Sure, there are problems here. And, yes, crime has become more of a problem this semester than it has been in a number of years. We’re not attempting to downgrade those issues, but they should really play only a small part in the memories of your time here.
The Bradley experience is what you make it. So make it a good one, and have a great summer.