Condoms. Alcohol. Sex.
These are just a few messages college students have literally been pelted in the head with over the years. And yes, statistically it is true most individuals develop a taste for their favorite beer while in college and use sex as a benchmark to whether or not a relationship will work out.
But what about those students who are struggling against all odds to maintain their religious dedication while in school? Although it may not seem like it, there are options for these individuals.
Though it can be annoying how extremely targeted messages are these days, it can also be helpful for those who don‘t want to listen to all the nonsense that doesn’t apply to them (most of us). Sites like Pandora allow users to specifically target music to their personal taste. This makes it very easy to create a Contemporary Christian channel.
For those looking for more of an experience, the Peoria area has a plethora of options which feature Christian artists who incorporate prayer and worship into the show. Many artists claim to spread good Christian messages on paper but contradict themselves when they put out an album. This makes it hard for the conscious Christian listeners to decipher who is for real.
But true Christian artists, like MercyMe and the Newsboys regularly visit the area, a lot more regularly in fact than their non-Christian counterparts.
There is also a bit of a stereotype that Christian music tends to be boring or dull because they are all about the same thing. But there are many Christ-centered songs on the market that talk about love, friendship and the same things that mainstream entertainment discusses.
However, given all of this, I am going to contradict myself for a moment.
Yes, it is difficult to maintain a balanced religious life while in college. But for a liberal campus, I have been phenomenally surprised by the amount of students who are not afraid to let God into their hearts through music, prayer or friendship.
There are numerous Christian groups on campus and various other events, including speakers and bands, which not only help students maintain their Christ-centered lives, but allow them to grow and meet others.
These are events that are not concerned with what your hair looks like or what kind of clothes you’re wearing, but only that you listen to what they have to say. And that’s a pretty welcoming message for a confused college kid.