By far the biggest problem facing us college students is getting a job post-graduation. In order to truly breakout into the working world, our generation has to prepare for the trials and tribulations of true adulthood. Of course, this is easier said than done, so any type of guidance is welcome. Thankfully, author Dan Schawbel’s new book, “Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success,” is an excellent source for the fledging college student who wants to really succeed in the working world.
A New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller, Schawbel’s book provides excellent tips and strategies for how our millennial generation (or Generation Y) can get ahead in the workplace. Utilizing current research and more than 75 interviews with managers and executives from companies like DELL and NBC Universal, “Promote Yourself” looks to be the go-to guide for our generation’s employees on how to build a successful career.
Schawbel is the managing partner of the Gen Y research and consulting firm Millenial Branding. In an exclusive interview with the Scout, Schawbel spoke of what inspired him to write his book.
“My goal is to help people get the skills they need, learn about what managers are looking for today and then give them advice on how to stand out and achieve excellence,” Schawbel said. “I’m also on a mission to have a positive influence on my generation and push them to be accountable and take charge of their lives instead of waiting for opportunities to come, which they won’t.”
Schawbel also feels that the economic recession is the biggest challenge facing our millennial generation as they break into the work force. “Generation Y suffers a 16 percent unemployment rate, which is more than twice the national average. Their lives have been delayed years due to this economy, and they aren’t getting the right skills required to be successful in the workplace today.”
As we prepare to enter the working world after college, “Promote Yourself” looks to provide engaging advice for this next important step in our lives.
“I hope readers will work harder, smarter and strive to stand out in their careers,” Schawbel said about his hopes for readers of the book. “I hope they will focus on developing their soft skills, their networks and not be afraid to take on work outside their job descriptions.”
You can order the book off Amazon or go to for more information.