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Posts published in February 2010

Campus Affairs committee aiming to green up the Hilltop

The process to make Bradley a greener community certainly hasn’t been an easy one. For several years changes have been made to the campus in order to become more friendly to the environment. This semester Student Senate is organizing a task force in order to…

Snooki to cause ‘a situation’ at Cam’s this month

Bradley students might want to spend Feb.19 doing a little GTL– gym, tan, laundry. GTL is a foreign concept to those lucky few who haven’t been swept into MTV’s “Jersey Shore” phenomenon. But for its fans, it seems like the only way to prepare for…

State candidates face off on campus

The Bradley vs. Illinois State basketball game may have been heated, but it was the not the only place to catch some quality competition this weekend. Last Saturday, with only a few days left before the election, seven Illinois Lieutenant Governor candidates visited Bradley to…

Million dollar donation boosts campaign goal

The Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance received a huge boost in reaching its $150 million goal last week when Dale Burklund donated $1 million. His generous donation lifted the grand total to $130.8 million, which is the most money ever raised in a Bradley fundraising…

Pullitzer Prize winner to address students

Leonard Pitts, Jr. will be the speaker for the Robison Lecture this spring. The award-winning pop music critic and columnist will visit campus March 8 at the request of the Intellectual and Cultural Activities Committee. When Olatunji Dare, of the communications department, was approached about…

Mascot won’t offer quick fix to apathy issues

The question of what to do with Bradley’s mascot has loomed for more than two decades. The issue is brought up every few years, but each time either a poor compromise is selected or the issue is simply shot down. Many credit the lack of…

Do we really need to fist pump like a champ?

MTV recently announced there would be a second season of “Jersey Shore.”  As excited as I am that the guido fest will continue, I am at the same time worried for the mental health of my peers. It makes me kind of sad that Bradley…

Groundhogs are ineffective weathermen

Every year, Feb. 2 is the day that we finally learn how long winter is going to last. But how we figure that out just baffles me. Every year, groundhogs all over North America emerge from their burrows to check their shadows. If Punxsutawney Phil…

Friday’s Flavor: Nutrition myths versus facts

Today, people want all the information they can get on healthy living.  What should we eat?  What should we avoid?  What is true in the media and what is false?  As consumers we are flooded with food and nutrition misinformation.  Some of what we hear…

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