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Posts published by “Maddie Gehling”


Last week a Bradley ID card was mistakenly issued to a 60-year-old non-student. He asked the Controller’s Office for one, which he received because he happened to have the same name as an incoming freshman. The incident has since raised questions about the policies of…

Poetry contest honors legacy

Six students were honored for their poetry Tuesday night at the Gwendolyn Brooks Centenary Celebration and Poetry Contest. The event marked the end of a semester-long celebration honoring the former Illinois Poet Laureates’ 100th birthday. First place winner Kierra Banks and finalists Blake Garber, Lawren…

Best cheap wines in Peoria

Everyone is broke in college; it’s a fact of life. Similarly, most college students like to go out, hang with friends and drink a little. The Scout reviewed some of the best (and worst) cheap wines offered at Aldi (one of the best places to…

Pride Prom provides redeeming celebration

Common Ground, Bradley’s gay-straight student alliance organization, will host its first-ever “Pride Prom” at 6 p.m. tomorrow in Peplow Pavilion. According to Common Ground president Gabrielle Hogan, the celebration is meant to provide Bradley’s LGBT+ community and its allies with welcoming end-of-the-year festivities. “No one…

Humans of the Hilltop: Sara Netzley

Greeting visitors with a Lisa Frank calendar, a seagull plush and a plastic Wonder Woman figurine, Sara Netzley’s office brings a pop of color to the white halls of the Caterpillar Global Communications Center. But Netzley said she never imagined herself taking a full-time teaching…

Art gallery brings the world together

Although it may be a hidden gem to students on campus, Bradley’s 36th Annual International Print and Drawing Exhibition is anything but secret to the artists and galleries involved. Held every other year, the exhibition is the second-longest running print and drawing show in the…

These shining women

Bradley’s theatre department premiered the play “These Shining Lives” last night to a full house. The show recounts the true story of a number of women who ingested large quantities of radium while employed at the Radium Dial Company in Ottawa during the 1920s. Many…

Poetry read-in ‘keeps people’s souls alive’

To celebrate her centennial birthday, Bradley’s English Department hosted a Gwendolyn Brooks poetry read-in all day Wednesday in Michel Student Center amidst the hustle and bustle of a regular day on campus. Brooks was the third Poet Laureate of Illinois – before Bradley professor of…

Pre-law students take on theatre production

Some students hit the books to study; some find internships to hone in on their future trades. But this semester, four Bradley pre-law students are stepping back in time to practice law and onto the Hartmann Center mainstage. The Theatre Department’s next play, “These Shining…

Humans of the Hilltop: Koch Bar

Koch Bar, a freshman international student from South Sudan, is mostly know as the towering 6-foot-11-inch center for the Bradley basketball team. But one thing people don’t know about Bar is that he is also an aspiring artist. “You never see a tall, 6-foot-11-inch guy…

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