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Posts published in “News”

New leadership lays down the law

At the beginning of the fall semester, Bradley’s Pre-Law Center saw a shift in leadership. “Nicole Meyer, the previous director, resigned to take a position at a law firm in town,” Craig Curtis, associate professor of political science and current director of the Pre-Law Center,…

Police Reports: 2015-09-11

• Officers received a report of theft from a vehicle at 12:40 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 8. A female staff member reported that a gym bag was stolen from her car while it was parked at 1500 Bradley Avenue. There was no sign of forced…

Brief: Broadside seeks student evaluators

Broadside, a literary and arts magazine published through the English department bi-annually, is now accepting applications for editors and evaluators. Broadside is run entirely by Bradley students. The staff is looking for students willing to evaluate and edit a variety of genres including poetry, prose…

New apps let students punch in, map out

This fall, two new apps have burst onto the Bradley scene: Flok and Campus Maps. Flok was brought to campus by the Activity Council of Bradley University (ACBU) to augment its activities planned for this semester. “Flok is essentially a virtual punch card,” ACBU president…

APO raises funds with flying colors

At Alpha Phi Omega’s second annual Color the Way to Clean Water 5K attendees ran, walked or jogged their way to the finish line. The Color Run raised $1900 for APO’s philanthropy, Charity Water, which was a $1200 increase from the previous year. “Last year,…

CAT offers employer insight

Caterpillar hosted an open house Sept. 4 to showcase some of the various opportunities available to students. “The open house is an event for Bradley students to get a chance to learn about Caterpillar, and what kind of careers there are for them here,” Caterpillar…

Mortar Board lights it up

In August, Bradley was received a Silver Torch award from the national Mortar Board honors society for the second year in a row. Only 45 universities nationwide are given this annual award. “Mortar Board, Inc. is a national honors society recognizing college seniors for their…

Brief: SABRC accepts applications through September

The Student Activities Budget Review Committee is now accepting applications for a spot on their panel. SABRC is an organization that focuses on providing funds to student organizations for campus-wide events. The SABRC panel consists of students whose goal is to offer a diverse set…

If there’s a Will, there’s a way

For the past couple of years, the theater department has displayed professor Gary Will’s playbills for various plays and musicals. Will is a graphic design professor at Bradley who has been given the opportunity to design these posters, which are just the latest in a…

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