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Posts published in “Voice”

Yesterday’s future, today!

Marty McFly, eat your heart out. Dreams of cruising around on a hoverboard are becoming closer to coming true. Hendo Hoverboards, started by husband and wife duo Greg and Jill Henderson, is the company behind the world’s first working hoverboard and have successfully made a…

Yosemite: Know how to pick your Apples

As if we could not get enough shiny new things from Apple this year, the company has done it again with the new OS X Yosemite update for the Mac. The update requires 5.16 GB of space on your computer’s hard drive, so the potential…

School of Rock

When one hears the name “Bradley University,” generally the first thing that comes to mind is either engineering, nursing or teaching. In the past few years, however, Bradley has been producing some truly great musicians, which may give reason to add “music school” to the…

Saturday Morning Nothing

It’s nine o’ clock in the morning, and Mr. and Mrs. Wulf have just been woken up by the squeaky belting of a six-year-old sitting way too close to the television, spilling milk and cereal all over the carpet, singing “I wanna be the very…

The problem(s) with Gamergate

It’s time to face the facts: the Gamergate situation is getting way out of hand. For those of you who aren’t exactly aware of what Gamergate is, we’ll set the Wayback machine to August 2014, when the issues were first raised. The controversy arose out…

There Are Already Enough Apps for That

Back in 2009 when Apple first used the now iconic phrase “there’s an app for that,” the world of smartphone applications was a bright and exciting new field defined by Silicon Valley tech moguls exploring the mostly uncharted waters, looking to create the next life-changing…

Frights on the Small Screen

October is already known for its spookiness thanks to Halloween, but this month marks the season premieres for both “American Horror Story: Freak Show” and “The Walking Dead.” “American Horror Story: Freak Show” is different than any other season, not because of the plot (because…

A Concerning Crossover

As ratings plummet, “The Simpsons” pulled out the big guns last Sunday to help revive interest and raise the show’s recent less than stellar ratings. FXX’s recent marathon of every Simpsons episode ever, along with the hinted character death in the show’s season 26 premiere,…

A Triumphant Return

“I had another Nightmare… Go back to sleep honey, everything will be alright in the end.” That short exchange between a mother and her daughter is how Weezer’s new album, “Everything Will Be Alright in the End,” begins. In a way, that opening dialogue perfectly…

Three graphic novels to fall into this season

Like many others, one thing I love to do in the fall is kick back, relax, and read a good book. However, I’ve always preferred the uniquely visual style of comic books to the lengthy wordiness of novels, not that there’s anything wrong with them—I…

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