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Editorial: Master the skill of time management

As the second month of the semester nears its end, it’s easy to fall behind in the activities and classes that you’ve chosen to take part in. Whether you’re a first-year student or fifth-year senior, time management is key to success, and figuring out the best technique can make all the difference.

Giving adequate time for student involvement is a never-ending necessity, staying up to date on assignments and investing in a calendar, a whiteboard or a planner can help you visually lay out your week.

Another option for anyone who needs to visualize their work schedule would be a to-do list. Lists can be a great way to organize the tasks to complete by the weeks’ end. There’s no better feeling than checking a box, crossing out an item or filling in a bullet point after finishing a task.

There are also no shortage of time management apps. The app Structured is great for time management because it tells you how many hours you have between each activity and counts down the time remaining in your current activity. It is a great tool to help you plan out your day and ensure that there is enough time to take a break for yourself.

Whether you jump to get your hands on a planner, or race to the App Store to get one of the digital variety, you must identify what’s important first. A night out is certainly a fun option, but sometimes it’s wise to take a peek through your notes before your 9 a.m. exam the following day. Giving each item a weight of importance can help you to prioritize.

If you’re someone that forgets easily, make sure to set alarms or notifications for any upcoming events. That notification can get annoying, but the reminder will surely keep you on task and on time so you don’t miss the important items on your to-do list.

Communicating to your teachers, leaders and group members if you are running low on time can help alleviate any stress on both their and your end. If something has the potential to be late, let them know beforehand. You’ll find that it’ll help more than leaving them in the dark.

Finally, make time for yourself. Burnout runs rampant on college campuses, and to make sure you don’t become its latest victim, take a moment for yourself. Break up your work with a fun activity like watching an episode of your favorite show, drawing, hanging out with your friends, cooking or scrolling through social media.

As students have settled into campus and midterms are approaching at a steady pace, make sure you’re using your time wisely. It can mean the difference between late points and more free time.

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