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Editorial: Use the break to reset

Holiday or not, days off from school are always appreciated.

No matter what your Thanksgiving plans are, be sure to take some time for yourself and recharge. It’s a crucial point in the semester where professors are ratcheting up for final exams and projects while motivation levels fall to new lows.

Most people are dealing with a sense of burnout, so this break falls in the perfect nook to allow students to reset their brains from a semester’s worth of work. Treat it like a vacation and take a rest from the grind of a school year.

Thanksgiving break comes at a time where Daylight Savings Time has ended and it becomes darker earlier in the day. The phenomenon can often lead to seasonal sadness, or a lack of energy. However, the five-day period with no classes can allow you to catch up on sleep, and thus possibly give you more energy to gear up for the final stretch of the semester.

It’s often hard to realize that the holiday season is looming when people have been feeling underwater with school, work or a combination of both. Getting in the Thanksgiving – or even early Christmas – spirit by watching seasonal movies or eating foods that are typically saved for holidays can brighten up your mood. After all, home-cooked meals are a sure bet to make you happier after consuming dining hall fare for months. 

If you’re going home for the break, it’ll give you a chance to see your friends and family, who you may have not seen in some time. While texting and calling each other during the semester sustains your connections, there’s nothing like seeing your loved ones in-person and doing things like going Black Friday shopping with them after spending weeks apart. 

Even if you are not going home, still enjoy the days off of classes, homework and finals preparations. Your mental health is more important than a grade.

Whether it’s pigging out on delicious food, pretending to watch the Dallas Cowboys or some combination of the two, do something that makes you happy over Thanksgiving break.

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