We all know the saying “If you see something, say something.” But it is never easy when you are the one involved in the situation, and it is even harder to speak up to against people in a higher position.
Abraham Barrantes, senior criminal justice major, spoke up when he believed he experienced ethnicity discrimination by a professor while working at his on-campus job.
As it is still an ongoing investigation, the editorial team should not and will not make any judgment in favor or against either side. Despite the result of the investigation, it is important for not only students, but for everyone, to have the mindset to report problems when facing one.
The administration has the responsibility to establish a protective and efficient procedure for reporting.
The university has procedures in place to handle any incidents of discrimination or harassment. However, nothing can be done if occurrences of discrimination go unreported.
It could not have been easy for Barrantes to report the alleged discrimination, especially when it came from someone he sees as a part of his job.
It does not matter if students feel they are being discriminated by a professor, a staff member or another student. No matter who it is, report it to the university. The student handbook states:
“Racial discrimination and sexual harassment in any situation are inexcusable, but they are even more reprehensible when they influence decisions impacting the student’s academic status or career goals or when they exploit the educational dependence and trust between student and faculty.”
There is no place for discrimination of any kind at Bradley. One of the four goals included in the 2017-2022 strategic plan is “We will build and support a more diverse and inclusive university community.”
As part of this goal on the strategic plan by 2022, all faculty, staff and students will receive cultural competency training.
We hope the university can deliver their timeline on sexual harassment and cultural competency in order to prevent this from happening to more students at Bradley.