Get Fit, Stay Fit is helping students and faculty kick off the new year right, with bigger and better incentives this semester.
This point system tracks students’ participation from working out, attending wellness sessions or getting involved in various campus events.
Get Fit, Stay Fit Intern Jasmine Roberts said the program is “trying to incorporate more people’s opinions” this semester.
Changes include more programs that are geared toward meeting participants’ dietary needs.
“We now have the opportunity to get them in contact with [a nutritionist],” said Roberts.
In addition, the program is hoping to see more people get involved. Although Roberts said they aren’t quite sure yet how many people will sign up for Get Fit, Stay Fit this semester, the program has gotten progressively bigger.
As the program expands, prizes will be upgraded. Last semester, prizes included Wii Fits, water bottles and T-shirts, said Roberts.
“We’ll still have [those prizes], but we’ll go beyond that,” she said. “We’re looking into bigger prizes.”
Sophomore elementary education major Jen Cepko said she decided to sign up for Get Fit, Stay Fit this semester because she goes to the Markin Center a couple days a week.
Get Fit, Stay Fit will help with participants’ New Year resolution goals, said Cepko. Her goal is to go “at least three times a week,” she said. “The prizes and opportunities are good motivation.”
Although many people said they are inspired by the incentives, some students who participated in the program last semester aren’t as excited to join this semester.
Freshman biology and secondary education major Kelsey Mayginnes said she did not join this semester because the incentives haven’t changed.
“I did Get Fit, Stay Fit last semester but I’m not as excited about this semester because it’s not likely that I will get anything in the raffle,” she said. “I already got all of the definite incentives through the point system.”