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Mic Check: Bradley’s newest music club

Photo by Ian Cunningham

Bradley students Liam van der Bijl and Lauryn Frazier founded the newest music club on campus, Mic Check, this past summer. The club aims to unite students who share an interest in music in an environment where they can learn more and collaborate with others to create original pieces.

The club meets in Hilltop Studios, located in the basement of University Hall, and the music tech room in Constance Hall on Friday’s at 5 p.m. Mic Check offers club members access to recording, mixing and DJing equipment free of charge.

“I took a tour of this place [before my freshman year] … and I was like, ‘Oh, this looks so cool,’” junior music business major and Co-President van der Bijl said. “It just makes me sad that a lot of people don’t know what’s here.”

Bradley students of all majors can purchase studio time for $20 per hour through the music department. Frazier and van der Bijl hope that Mic Check will give more students access to the studio’s music equipment free of charge while gaining camaraderie and mentorship in the music creation process.

“[Mic Check is for] anyone who’s interested in learning about how to record music, how to produce, how to mix, how to master,” van der Bijl said.

Frazier’s and van der Bijl’s knowledge of the music-creation process will help newcomers and experienced musicians alike hone their skills and get the most out of their time in the studio.

“We’ll do a session where we record a bunch of instruments and record like the idea of the song, the next section, or the next session would be some producing, [and so on] … until we have a fully completed song that would be release-ready,” van der Bijl said.

When Mic Check isn’t collaborating in the studio, the club will be hosting guest speakers to discuss their experience in the music industry, allow club members to ask questions and make connections with established music professionals.

Frazier, a DJ in her own right, has performed at campus events. To raise money for Mic Check, Frazier is offering her services to students and community members looking to rent a DJ. Interested parties can contact her.

Frazier and van der Bijl have already faced a number of challenges in the early stages of club creation. Fundraising is a major area of focus for the two as they look to establish the club’s budget and purchase equipment not already found in the studio.

Frazier will be hosting a DJ masterclass for interested students. As more students learn about the craft, Mic Check hopes that they will be able to lend their skills to fundraising efforts.

“… One of our other fundraising ideas for Mic Check, which is called Curtain Call. It’s basically like a Battle of the Bands type of thing. But you can dance … you can sing, or whatever,” junior music entertainment industry major and Co-President Frazier said.

Mic Check’s talent show, Curtain Call, will be hosted late this fall or mid-spring, funds and weather permitting. The event will invite individuals with any manner of musical talents. Interested students can contact van der Bijl.

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