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Scout on the Street: “What is the best April Fool’s prank you’ve pulled or had pulled on you?”

“My brother put toothpaste in [a] soap dispenser.”

– Junior community wellness major Kim May


“I typically don’t pull a lot of April Fool’s pranks just because my mom hated [them]. But in middle school, my friends and I, we got together and tried to pull a prank that we had gotten in trouble from our middle school. … we went around to teachers asking if they would give us a principal’s slip of paper to bring us to the principal’s [office] … we ended up getting one from my band teacher, and we filled it out, and I went home and I gave my mom the slip … and she wasn’t very mad about it because she thought that it looked fake, but I mean, it was worth a shot.”

– Freshman elementary education major Jessica Miller


“I can’t remember ever having one pulled on me, and I think that’s just because my great-grandma’s birthday was April Fool’s. She would … have a conniption if any of [my family] ever pulled a prank or anything like that. And I’m really bad at pranks. Honestly, I laugh way too often, so if I try to lie or make a prank at all, people would just know.”

– Freshman early childhood education major Mollie Johnston


“About two years ago, I decided that my best friend had been getting on my nerves a little too much, so I put a fake virus into his computer that had a little copyright of my name in the bottom corner. But he never noticed it, and it took him three hours to [fix it].”

– Junior computer informations systems major Patrick Bruce, Jr.


“When I was living at home, my dad would put a rubber band around the sprayer in the sink, so that when [I] turned on the sink, the sprayer would immediately go off.”

– Senior computer informations systems major Clay Klinedinst

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