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The Bradley Scout

Podcast of the week: Mike and Tom Eat Snacks

There’s a lot of room for niche podcasting in a world as vast as the Internet, and that’s what makes the very selective shows so fascinating. Not only do people have to make the topic intrinsically interesting, but they have to have fun with it.…

Gaul leads soccer to fast start

On the first day of classes this semester, a professor asked senior soccer player Bryan Gaul what he planned to do after graduation. Gaul said he wanted to play professional soccer and the professor laughed off Gaul’s remarks. But nobody’s laughing anymore after Gaul has…

Greek Night BU poses as an exclusive event

On Monday, Late Night BU hosted Greek Night BU to provide an alternative choice to traditional “Blackout Monday” activities that occur after InterFraternity and Panhellenic recruitment is completed. For many, it was an opportunity to unite, socialize and catch up with members of the greek…

From the Couch: Futurama

In the past decade, both Family Guy and Futurama were cancelled by Fox, then brought back due to strong ratings on cable and high DVD sales. While Family Guy has enjoyed high ratings since its return, its quality has steadily decreased, becoming too reliant on…

One-on-One: Who is the best team in college football?

LSU The last five BCS National Champions have hailed from the SEC, and I believe the Louisiana State Tigers will make it six consecutive years. They have all the ingredients necessary to win the BCS National Championship in strong defense, good coaching and an explosive…

Facebook and Twitter creates job opportunities

Facebook and Twitter users can put their social media addictions to job-friendly use with the social media marketing minor. “We’re trying to give students a strong marketing and promotions background, and the tools they’ll need to provide social media context to a job,” marketing professor…

Students should be involved in politics

After college students played a vital role in the 2008 presidential election. Does anyone else get the feeling that Bradley is going to have virtually no role in the 2012 election? Judging by the political activism on campus, the 2012 election is going to be…

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.