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Don’t be that person

Picking out the perfect costume is hard. People overthink it or throw something together last-minute, and that either ends up being totally disastrous or completely genius. I applaud creative and punny Halloween costumes, but they can quickly become distasteful.

I think a fantastic indication of success is if you one day become a Halloween costume, that’s when you know you’ve made it. But in all honesty, people search for relevant, innovative costumes that will in return warrant lots of pictures and attention. It’s really a horrible lesson ¬– ‘Hey, your normal self isn’t very exciting, but imitate someone else and everyone will love you!’

I don’t mean to shit on Halloween, but the costume controversies are so lame. The holiday has completely turned into an over-the-top, flashy day of pushing the boundaries, whether that be risqué or vulgar and then calling it self-expression.

I don’t know why anyone would want to dress up as Caitlyn Jenner. She already made a statement months ago that it doesn’t bother her, so it shouldn’t solicit any attention.

However, it inevitably will. The men impersonating her will be discussed on morning talk shows along with all the Kim Davises, Jared Fogles, Bill Cosbys and Josh Duggars.

Even though those costumes aren’t the classiest decisions, it isn’t too concerning. The outfits become problematic when they mimic helpless victims, such as Ahmed Mohamed (the Muslim boy arrested for his clock), a school shooting victim or Syrian refugees.

If girls think that “Sexy Donald Trump” is fitting for them, so be it. The most disgusting element is simply the fact that the official Trump wigs range from $69.99 to $125. But to poke fun at someone who didn’t do anything wrong or didn’t ask for the media spotlight is just downright pathetic.

If you want to play it safe, just stick to harmless but certainly ever-popular options like left sharks and the overdone dancing emoji girls. You can go even more basic with a simple cat or bunny. But if you are trying to feel empowered without looking provocative, others may prefer the “Bad Blood” ensemble look of sexy bad asses.

Speaking of which, leave the sexy costumes for the adults. According to NBC News TODAY show, Party City had a mere three career-related costume options for little girls.

There were also much more sexualized versions in comparison to the 16 career-themed boys costumes. Not only is this demeaning and poor judgment on Party City’s part, but also a horrible message for blossoming young tweens.

Mistakes of the recent past include the Asiana Airlines flight crew, Boston Marathon victims, pedophile priests, zombie versions of newly-deceased celebrities, Hurricane Katrina victims and a variety of blackfaces, including Crazy Eyes from “Orange Is The New Black.”

My personal favorite is “Anna Rexia,” a disgusting portrayal of an eating disorder. If mental health and physical aliments were seen as equal, it would be the equivalent of dressing up as a cancer patient, which may even be fair game for some delusional losers out there.

Me? Well, I’d love to be Drake from the “Hotline Bling” music video.

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