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Four for fighting

When we were younger, summers used to be filled with freedom. We had friends, we had TV and we had the carelessness a child ought to have. Now, summers are filled with preparation. 

With every plan for the future, along with every number being crunched, as well as every upcoming class being crammed into your prefrontal cortex all at once, it is easy to forget: school will be back in the blink of an eye. And you are, indeed, an adult now. 

Sorry to be the bearer of the obvious, anxiety-ridden news. 

Without taking a moment to step back and let this sink in, it is all too easy to have it hit you like a ton of bricks when you come back to your Peoria residence and think to yourself, “this never ends.” 

I am right there with you. And so is that guy over there. Oh, that girl too-she looks pretty frazzled. In fact, everyone in your classes is likely feeling the same thing. 

*End of overly-sympathetic PSA.* 

While you don’t have the same freedom from responsibility that you once had, that is not to say that you cannot be free from it when you lay down at night ready to get some rest. Hell, you might even have that time in the morning if you’re one of those “morning people.” 

But damn it, it is still summer now, and we cannot let all of the magic die with our fading memories of childhood bliss. I humbly deliver you some good ol’ entertainment that is lighting up the summer of ‘18 that you can take with you when you lay down at night, both at home and when you find yourself back at school. Here’s two songs and two things to watch that ought to belie you of your troubles. 

You’re welcome. 

“This is America,” Childish Gambino 

Childish Gambino’s frenetic song imbues a sense of urgency for the state of the country. The music video that accompanies it is an unsettling glimpse into some of the biggest flaws plaguing America, featuring some graphic scenes of violence that warrants me to say that viewer discretion should be advised. 

This is a pretty dark one – kind of betrays my “childhood bliss” spiel just a few seconds ago, putting this one first. But let’s keep going. 

“Avengers: Infinity War” 

You’re probably sick of this recommendation by now, as it’s not a very original one. Nevertheless, the film is massively entertaining and the epitome of escapist viewing. Its quick wit and sharp direction by the Russo brothers is captivating and invigorating, and combines to make a film that is both energetic and lighthearted. 

Except for that third act. You’ll be emotionally destroyed by the time the credits roll. 

“The Handmaid’s Tale,” season 2 

This April brought the newest season of the hit Hulu show, and it is a brilliantly crafted masterpiece just four episodes in. With an amazing cast led with naturalism and desperation by Elisabeth Moss, the series is an eerie nudge at the world to tell us that we are heading in a direction of horror and violent misogyny. 

There I go again with the dread… It’s just quite silly now. It’s almost like an intentional joke for this article, really. Let’s just put this one to bed then, shall we? 

“Heaven’s Only Wishful,” MorMor 

Yeah, this one’s sad. It’s…it’s really, really sad. I figure that you know by this point in the article that life is hopeless and I myself am lost in a vortex of pain and misery of my own making, so allow me to explain this song to you. It is a ballad of isolation and individuality, and how they sometimes can go hand in hand in this cruel maiden we call life. With a sound reminiscent of indie rock, kissed with some licks of a delicate synth, a childhood nostalgia and sadness enters the ears and exits through the eyes. With tears. 

Hopefully these pieces of entertainment bring you good times and happy tidings during your emotional tumult here in college. I know I’m going to sit down with a nice glass of wine and experience all of these pieces of entertainment. Again. These four things, they’re all I watch and listen to. 

Where has my life gone?

This story is part of the Scout 2018 summer special issue. Read the full summer issue

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