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What we really want for the holidays

Someone right now is probably thinking about what they’re getting you for the holidays. Someone is also spending money on something awful you’ll have to fake smile for when the moment comes.

Don’t get me wrong, a gift is a gift, but if someone is going to spend time and money on you, both parties win if it’s something you like.

One thing not so great gifts created was the white elephant. You know what I’m talking about, the bar of soap that smells like your grandma, a quirky fridge magnet and the t-shirt gag that was only funny when you unwrapped it.

I’m here to make shopping for college students easy, so the smiles are all genuine and no money is wasted when it comes to opening presents this winter.

  1. This shouldn’t come as a surprise. In college, a large percentage of the money we make inevitably goes towards booze, which can make weekends expensive. Whether it is a handle of vodka or a 6 pack of beer, your generosity will not go unappreciated for the common college student over 21.
  2. Juul Pods. So this one is kind of a stretch, but we’ll roll with it. I’m pretty sure not a lot of parents or family members encourage nicotine use, but it’s something quite a few college students are familiar with. Maybe if you have a cool older cousin or family friend they’d be down to support the cause.
  3. Gift cards. Think back to when you were young and received a gift card and how sad you felt with nothing else to unwrap. Times have changed, my friends. It’ll mean more for them to get the jacket they’ve had in their online shopping cart for three weeks than for you to get one that reminds you of something you wore back in the day. Can’t think of a store? There’s something for everyone on Amazon. You really can’t go wrong.
  4. Never feel bad about handing a college student cash. We won’t think your gift is lazy or last minute, I promise. If anything, we appreciate the fact that instead of picking out something random that we may or may not ever use, you’re letting us make the final decision on something we’ve been eyeing.

At the end of the day, we aren’t hard to please. As we get older we tend to be happier with the simpler things. You don’t need to pull out all the stops when it comes to holiday gifts because as much as we wish we could reciprocate the gesture, college students have no idea what to get for you either.

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The Scout is published by members of the student body of Bradley University. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the University.