The Caterpillar Visitors Center teemed with more than 220 students on Sept. 6 for Caterpillar’s Open House.
This was the first time the annual campus event was held at the Caterpillar Visitors Center, meaning the students who wanted to attend had to drive or take a shuttle offered by Bradley.
Senior CAT Engineering Specialist Anne McMullen said the off-campus location didn’t have any affect on the number of attendees, stating that the number was “more than [Caterpillar] would have at a normal meeting on campus.”
However, hosting the fair at the Caterpillar Visitors Center meant Caterpillar could personalize the event, and they offered snacks, a raffle, a museum visit, a scavenger hunt and a wide array of Caterpillar recruiters to students.
Matt Barron, who works as Caterpillar’s campus coordinator to Bradley, said the event was a great experience.
“[By hosting the event at the visitors center], students are able to get a feel for what Caterpillar is about and hear the history and the company,” he said.
Students said they had mixed feelings about the event. Sophomore mechanical engineering major Luc Nguyen said although he was interested in a few positions offered by Caterpillar, he expected more from the experience.
Junior business finance major Kwesi Osafo said the event was informative.
“They were able to show me an area of my major that I wasn’t familiar with,” Osafo said.
Many of the employers, however, said they were clear on the event’s success.
“It’s really easy to recruit for Caterpillar,” McMullen said. “It’s a good place to come to work.”