“You may not register until 4:00 p.m. Nov. 8.”
Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
The timers on Bradley’s Registrar are ticking down, and students are visiting RateMyProfessor.com with added haste as registration for next semester continues.
But what many students may not know is that some students’ timers expire before others, and not because they have a higher number of completed hours.
Students with disabilities and student athletes are able to register early for classes, beginning 45 minutes before official registration.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs David Glassman said the privilege of early registration was awarded to these two student groups for extraordinary circumstances.
“Students with disabilities are accommodated with early registration for challenges such as needing extra time for getting to classes, selecting course sections that are taught in classrooms that have greater accessibility, and for other situations,” Glassman said.
He also said athletes encounter scheduling challenges with practice times, team travel and limited practice facilities.
The early registration tradition started 10 years ago this spring, but the program may change in the future by adding more students.
Caterpillar Professor of Music and Director of the Honors Program Kyle Dzapo submitted a proposal to the Council of Academic Deans requesting permission for honors students to register early as well, according to Glassman.
“The Council is currently reviewing the proposal,” Glassman said. “No decision has been made at this time.”