The Bradley family will grow this weekend when an estimated 200 visitors will stay on campus from Feb. 21 to 23 for the annual Siblings Weekend hosted by the Activities Council of Bradley University (ACBU).
Siblings Weekend hosts events for students to enjoy with their brothers, sisters, friends and other family members, but the activities are offered to all Bradley students.
“Making students understand that Siblings Weekend events are open to everyone on campus has been a challenge,” sophomore ACBU Special Events Coordinator Sojourner White said. “Many stu- dents assume that since he or she didn’t bring a sibling, they cannot attend, which is not true.”
The Siblings Weekend pack- age includes a showing of “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” a ticket to the men’s basketball game and a pizza party, among other events.
“I am expecting [the chainsaw juggler] Mad Chad Taylor to be the most popular event, especially since he is currently featured on a Progressive commercial,” White said.
The latest schedule addition is Paintball Explosion hosted by Bradley’s Paintball Club. White said she does not expect the schedule of events to have any more changes.
“[At past Siblings Weekends] there was not a lot to do because this weekend is a time for the siblings to bond their Bradley students, but I think this year’s schedule is pretty packed and will keep the siblings engaged together,” White said.
As a part of the occasion, ACBU has offered the opportunity for Bradley students to allow a high school student from Chicago to live with them during the weekend, a program called Adopt-A-Sib.
“It is a great way for high school students to experience college with his or her host sib- ling and perhaps motivate the upperclassmen to begin think- ing about attending college when they graduate,” White said.
According to White, in the past planning processes of Siblings Weekend, challenges included t-shirts size mix-ups and find- ing a main act that appealed to a wide range of siblings.
“I do not see any of these challenges being a problem this year,” she said.
For more information, go to the Student Activities Office web- page on Bradley’s website.