The Lewis J. Burger Center for Student Leadership and Public Service has a new face.
As of July 8, Jessica Chandler took over for Katie McGinn as Director of the LJB Center.
“I am so excited to see what different influences I can bring to the center,” she said. “I’m excited to be here and to be a resource. I love meeting new people.”
Chandler graduated from Saganaw Valley State University (SVSU) in Michigan with a bachelor’s degree in social work. While attending SVSU, Chandler was very involved in volunteering and leadership-oriented activities.
Following graduation, Chandler took two years off to participate in AmeriCorps where she was involved in intensive service work for a variety of communities.
Eventually, Chandler went on to get her master’s degree in Student Affairs from Ball State University.
After working at John Carroll University in the Residential Life Office, Chandler said she decided she wanted a change and applied for Bradley’s LJB director.
Chandler said although McGinn’s shoes are big shoes to fill, she hopes she can bring a fresh set of eyes to the table.
“I definitely want to focus this year on just sustaining what we are doing,” she said. “I’ve got some new ideas, but I want us to see how this year plays out first.”
Part of Chandler’s office’s duties include the co-advisement of the leadership minor, overseeing the Leaders Instilling Knowledge through Cooperative Service group (LINCS), working with the University Hall freshmen Leadership Lifestyles Floor, working with SERVE and advising Bradley Fellows.
Chandler said she’s excited to meet more students while watching them grow and learn. She even admitted to already becoming a Bradley Braves fan.
“I love Red Pride Fridays,” she said. “My two previous universities were red and white, so I’m already excited about it. I’m very big on school spirit.”
Chandler said she’s ready for the challenge and the excitement that come with the position.
“I’m excited to see where the center is going to go,” she said. “If you can figure out where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re going, you’ve got a good start.”