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Posts published in October 2011

Students working with IDOT to create memorial

The Illinois Department of Transportation has offered the civil engineering and construction department a unique opportunity. “IDOT approached the CEC department and asked if Bradley students would like to get involved in designing [a] memorial wall for fallen IDOT employees,” American Society of Civil Engineers…

Movie theaters are not the place for Facebook and Twitter

There have always been some implicit (and sometimes explicit) rules and guidelines for phone usage, and more specifically, text messaging. Most people realize it’s impolite or just downright rude to text during movies, performances and when spending one on one time with another person. And…

One-on-One: Which league is better?

NHL October marks the beginning of fall and a new NHL season. I couldn’t be more pumped to watch the bone-crushing hits, adrenaline-pumping fights and the intense rivalries. The NBA is close to its season being canceled due to a labor dispute, and this has…

LNBU participation has grown; students drink before and after

If you didn’t participate in a Late Night BU event last year, you’re in the minority. Four out of five of the 659 Bradley students surveyed said they participated in at least one of the LNBU activities in 2011. This is an 18.9 percent increase…

Students seek to update BU fight song

Sophomore industrial engineering major Andrew Mills and mechanical engineering major Eric Currier said the Bradley fight song is outdated and virtually  unknown throught campus, and they are hoping to change that. The current lyrics refer to football with lines such as “march down the field,”…

Editorial: Long-term housing plan a worthwhile investment

As a university, Bradley houses more than 90 percent of freshmen and more than 60 percent of its total undergrad population. And anyone planning on living somewhere for the next four years of their life are going to seek out something that’s safe and comfortable.…

Letter to the Editor: Avoiding racial slurs adds to a cycle of ignorance

I am the Critical Issues Coordinator of Bradley’s Activities Council and I want to express my disappointment that the advertisement for my event, “N*GGER W*TBACK, CH*NK,” was withheld from being published in The Scout. I understand that there were concerns with The Scout’s readers taking…

‘The Walking Dead’ shambles back for another season

Despite the fact that many of the biggest shows of the fall season have returned, many fans are still waiting for the dead to shamble back onto the small screen. I am not one of them. AMC’s The Walking Dead was one of the runaway…

Taking back Sunday regroups for back to basics hard rock

The rate our society demands, chews up and spits out culture has accelerated to a point where we don’t even take in what we’re given. One song is as good as the next, a movie as meaningless as the one before, television that’s forgettable as…

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