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Posts published by “Jaylyn Cook”

The ‘Dragon Ball’ saga continues

If you thought the only way you would see new episodes of “Dragon Ball” was if you summoned Shen-Long and wished for them, then look no further as your wish has been granted. Multiple sources like The Verge and BuzzFeed have reported that “Dragon Ball…

Five songs to erase your summertime sadness

Summer is just around the corner, and although the warm air is enough to make us red in the face, the season has a tendency to make people feel as blue as the skies above them. Whether it’s because you’re graduating, or you don’t have…

Netflix gets nostalgic

Oh my ‘lanta: on April 21, Netflix announced that a sequel series to the quintessential ‘90s sitcom “Full House” (cleverly titled “Fuller House”) will become available for streaming in 2016, sparking unabashed excitement from fans around the country. It’s no secret that I’m a fan…

Life in the age of Kardashian kulture

Tonight, former Olympian and Kardashian whipping boy Bruce Jenner will sit down with Diane Sawyer to discuss various topics concerning his personal life, including his relationship with the family after he and Kris Jenner divorced, what he’s up to now and, of course, the rumors…

Keep cinema colorful

Everyone, it’s time for us to have a little chat about “whitewashing,” and no, I’m not talking about the kind that involves Tom Sawyer and a fence. Recently, Disney’s announcement of a live-action “Mulan” remake has sparked both excitement and skepticism within the legions of…

Bradley’s take on Shakespeare offers much to ‘Like’

Modernizing the works of William Shakespeare is never an easy feat, as the production must work to effectively capture the essence of the new time period while keeping the rhythm and rhyme of the Bard’s writings intact. However, Bradley theatre department’s production of “As You…

‘Cherry Bomb’ ignites a new sound for Tyler, The Creator

With his previous albums, Tyler, The Creator has introduced listeners to a myriad of alternate personas based on his own, including his trusted therapist Dr. T.C., suicidal “voice of reason” Wolf and his slightly unhinged adversary, Sam. With “Cherry Bomb,” his most recent release, the…

Tidal makes waves in the music industry

Aside from being a “business, man,” Jay Z has once again made it known that he’s still a prominent businessman with his latest endeavor, a “high fidelity” music streaming service called Tidal. Jay Z and his squad of famous friends that support the service, including…

The end is near for ‘Mad Men’

As the final season of “Mad Men” resumed April 4, the staff of Sterling Cooper & Partners said goodbye to the turbulent ‘60s and were introduced to the new challenges that the ‘70s will soon hold for them. AMC advertised the remaining episodes of the…

Comedian pairs honesty with humor

As part of her nationwide tour of colleges, comedian Tracey Ashley appeared on the Student Center Ballroom stage March 28, introducing the crowd of 46 students to her brand of comedy. Ashley, a semi-finalist during the fifth season of the NBC series “Last Comic Standing,”…

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