Sunday night dinners have been poorly attended this semester and may or not may not continue. Attendance has dropped from more than 300 students attending last spring to around 140, Director of Food Services Ron Gibson said. The dinner runs from 5 to 8 p.m.…
Posts published in “News”
Students can prepare for exams online and through classes offered by Kaplan, Rick Smith said Bradley doesn’t offer help for graduate school test preparation, but neither do most other universities, Rick Smith said. “I don’t know of any in the Midwest that do,” the Director…
Whether you kiss on a daily basis, are just beginning to experiment or have always been too afraid to try, William Cane has a tip for you. He presented his lecture “The Art of Kissing” this Wednesday in the Michel Student Center Ballroom. Cane assured…
Student Body President Jordan Ticaric, along with Student Senate, has a bright idea for campus this winter season. Senators are working to get campus lit up with Christmas lights to bring a little seasonal spirit to the Bradley population. With the facelift the campus is…
Spending time inside coffee shops and attending shows will help students avoid weathering the weather Although some people don’t mind doing polar bear practices for sports on the quad or studying outside while bundled up under 16 layers of clothing, most would rather spend the…
A university-wide absence policy is being drafted by the Braves Council and the Bradley University Intercollegiate Athletics Committee. Bradley currently does not have an official policy, Vice President of Student Affairs Alan Galsky said. “For the last four or five years, the athletes have wanted…
The increase in attendance at last week’s Pan-Fra-Sing already has members of Interfraternity and Panhellenic Councils thinking the event may need a new home next year. The dance contest formerly took place in Robertson Memorial Field House, but because of its demolition, Pan-Fra-Sing took place…
As winter weather bears down on the Midwest, students might want to take a few simple measures to keep from falling ill. Get a flu shot. “Even if the flu shot doesn’t target the particular strain that you catch, it could be close enough to…
Issues ranging from as light-hearted as Bradley not having a mascot to those as serious as the Comprehensive Alcohol Action Plan’s effectiveness were brought up at an event on Tuesday night. “I don’t think this will make a difference right away, but it will bring…
University officials were happy with the results of the 2008 ACT Student Opinion Survey, despite low ratings in areas such as the Michel Student Center and academic advising, Alan Galsky said. The survey, administered every three years, measures student opinion and student utilization of university…