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Posts published in “Voice”

From the Couch: “Perfect Couples”

NBC’s Thursday night lineup used to be billed as “Must See TV.” In its heyday, it was home to “Friends” and “Seinfeld,” the two starting points for almost every other failed comedy NBC ever produced. While it has yet to reach that rare critical and…

The aromatic future of concerts

The iconic days of boy band tours are something I will never forget. Frankly, when you are an angsty pre-teen bottled up with hormones, seeing someone with their shirt off was worth the price of admission. Nowadays, tour directors can’t get away with simply playing…

Oscar nominations provide winners and losers

Oscar nominations bring out the need for a soapbox more than most events in the entertainment world, second only to the actual ceremony. Released Tuesday morning, this year was no different. Thankfully, soapboxes aren’t the only rant-friendly arena these days. The ensuing Twitter feeds, Facebook…

From the Couch: “American Idol”

When certain television shows start to taper off, directors and producers bring in new faces to revitalize a tired plot and a worn-out cast. However, “American Idol” is not just any tired television show. It quickly became the most popular show on television ten years…

Five Guys serves up tasty buys

When scouring an area for the best eats, foodies tend to look for expensive, high-profile eateries, obscure dives or mom-and-pop stops where everything on the menu is made fresh daily. Chain restaurants are ignored or overlooked, thought to be too generic, bland and mass-produced. What…

Hey baby, what’s your new sign?

From the time we were born, we have never been anything more than moderate to fair decision makers. Some of us turn to mentors for answers to life’s tough questions. Some trust the infallible assistance of Dr. Phil to guide them along destiny’s twisted path.…

Weak acting, poor direction get lost on “The Way Back”

When searching on, a new, unrecognizable release called “The Way Back” stood out. It looked interesting not only for its subject matter, but for the genuine mystery surrounding it and its nonexistent marketing. Seeing Peter Weir directed the film, the man behind “Dead Poet’s…

Upgrade those Christmas sweaters to chic runway looks

Originally published December 3, 2010 The holiday season is a financially demanding time. From the piles of presents that need to be bought to the fashion demand of constant parties, it’s hard to make it out without running your bank account dry. For college students,…

From the Couch: “CMA Country Christmas”

Originally published in the December 3, 2010 issue A first annual anything should be worth watching, if for no other reason than to play the prediction game of how many annuals will appear thereafter. In an industry like country music, there are a lot of…

“Don’t call me Shirley”: Remembering Leslie Nielsen

Originally published in the December 3, 2010 issue The college-aged audience is no stranger to comedic relief. We have rifled through the classic one-liners, seen our fair share of drunken, alcohol-driven banter and witnessed a far too steady stream of fart and boob jokes. Through…

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