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Junior works to create a better community

Junior Jheel Gosain spends her free time
trying to better the Peoria community. Photo via Jheel Gosain.

It has often been said that a life dedicated to service is a life worth living. Junior political science major Jheel Gosain has taken that saying to heart.

As president of CureSearch and vice president of Philanthropic Services for Sigma Kappa, Gosain has played a major role in many of the volunteer movements here on campus.

One of her most notable ideas is “Pie for a Cure,” an event where all of the Greek presidents agreed to be “pied” in the face for thirty minutes to raise money for pediatric cancer research. The event raised over $300 in its first year, and this year’s sign up is already full.

Another fundraiser Gosain is working to coordinate is the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s.” Alzheimer’s research is one of the five philanthropies she’s responsible for and a very dear cause to Gosain.

“It’s crazy how much we take for granted, like [most people] having a conversation right now, and the fact that they’ll remember it tomorrow,” said Gosain.

Besides Greek life and CureSearch, Gosain is also a Student Admissions Represenative and an active member of the National Society of Leadership and Success and the Pre Law club here on campus.

Gosain said she works best when she’s busy, because it requires here to create a time management schedule and study smarter.

Another quality that makes Gosain an excellent leader and volunteer is her determination, according to fellow CureSearch executive board member Loreece Haddad.

“Not only is Jheel’s mind put into her work, but her whole heart as well… she has a dedication and drive to do good for those around her, especially those in need,” Haddad said.

Gosain first encountered her love for helping those in need on an eighth grade volunteer trip to a homeless shelter. She and her class cleaned beds, did dishes and took out the trash.

“There are so many groups of people who have been dealt a bad hand, whether that be individuals with Alzheimer’s or the homeless, and I’m grateful to be able to [give] part of my day to make their lives a little bit easier, ” Gosain said.

In the future, Gosain would like to have a career in corporate law because the stable hours would allow her to spend more time pursuing her passion: helping others.

“I definitely think there’s a need for more people who want to make a difference,” Gosain said. “We get so caught up in what revolves around us, and forget our actions can affect so many other people’s lives. There’s so many cases where one action changed someone’s lives. And we all have those moments, but if more people would take even just an hour out of their week to pay it forward the world would be a much better place.”

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