• A male student reported he was robbed in the 1800 block of Callender Ave. between Western Avenue and Cooper Street around 11 p.m. Nov. 8. He said three men approached him, and one pulled out a knife and demanded his wallet and phone. The suspects then ran off down West Callender Avenue. Officers determined that no crime was committed, and the victim admitted to fabricating the incident. The male said he made up the robbery because he lost his wallet and cell phone. The case was referred to Student Judicial for review, and there were no criminal charges for filing a false police report.
• An underage intoxicated male student fell down a flight of stairs inside a residence in the 1500 block of Fredonia Ave. around 11:45 p.m. Friday. He injured his forehead, and an ambulance transported him to OSF St. Francis for further evaluation.
• A male student reported an unknown person entered his unsecured and unattended vehicle in the 1800 block of Laura Ave. between 11 p.m. Monday and 12 p.m. Tuesday and removed property without consent while the vehicle was parked in a lot.
• A male student punched another male student in the face at a residence in the 700 block of Institute Pl. around 2 a.m. Sunday. The other male said there is history of altercations between them.
The injured male refused treatment, and the male received a ticket for underage drinking and a Notice to Appear for aggravated battery.