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Adulthood can’t bring me down

Two weeks ago, I woke up at 6:30 a.m. I put on my dress pants, packed a professional-looking purse and sat down to watch the morning news.
After a few reports on world affairs, I got in my car and went to work in a tall building downtown.
It struck me that this wasn’t the morning routine of my fun-loving high school self. No. This morning was a pre-work ritual of a middle-aged professional.
Adulthood had arrived and did not hesitate or delay. Instead, it barged through my door with full force.
I watched as the remnants of my childhood disappeared with the last crumbs of the Pop-Tarts I had for breakfast that morning.
I waved goodbye to my carefree habits as I began to check emails more than texts and LinkedIn more than Facebook.
I bid adieu to my youthful adventures as my stack of khaki pants grew taller than my stack of yoga pants.
And finally, I gave a tearful hug to my childhood comforts as I looked forward to a summer filled with work, devoid of poolside stays.
Whether it’s by choice or by force, we do a lot of growing up in college.
We learn to live on our own, budget our money, plan a meal and do laundry without shrinking everything [or strategically plan visits home every couple weeks so Mom can help us out].
The transition may be slow for some, quick for others. But one day, we wake up and realize we’re grown-ups.
We remember things that happened 20 years ago. Young kids ask why we’re not married yet. And, god forbid, someone refers to us as Mr. or Ms.
But you have not won yet, adulthood. Be warned: I am fighting back, and I will use every weapon in my arsenal.
For every résumé I write, my childhood mischievousness will grin at the Harry Potter quote on my portfolio, “I solemnly swear I am up to no good.”
For every CNN article I read, Buzzfeed quizzes will still make the major decisions in my life.
And for every weekday I work, I will spend a weekend night tearing up the town with my best friends.
So hit me with your best shot, adulthood. My dukes are up, and I’m not going down without a fight.

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