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Albums and Academics: Essential Albums For Studying

Finals week is right around the corner and stress levels are high. There is a ton of work to be done and no time to do it. You’ve got three tests, two projects due, a presentation next week and only enough money for a grande iced macchiato (sorry venti). Luckily for you, there will always be some awesome music to help you through these stressful times. Check out these albums to get you through finals week.

The Beach Boys : Pet Sounds
“Wouldn’t it be nice” if finals week was over? “God only knows” how you’re going to get all of your work done. “I know there’s an answer” to this essay question, but first I need to make sure these noisy bros “don’t talk” so I can concentrate. At least the beach boys will keep me happy here in Cullom-Davis.
Brian Eno : Ambient 1 – Music For Airports
This is one of the most tranquil albums ever to be produced, and is the perfect album for studying. It’s minimal enough to read even the most difficult text while listening and still able to drown out other potentially distracting noises. This album could easily be put on a loop for hours of serene study time. Be careful though, this one might lull you to sleep if you’re studying a particularly boring topic.
Miles Davis : Kind of Blue
Jazz legend Miles Davis’s modal masterpiece “Kind of Blue” will turn any ordinary study session into a smooth and groovy evening that will have you snapping your fingers while writing out those hundreds of notecards that still need to be finished.
Black Flag : Damaged
Finals week is arguably the most stressful time of the year; not everything can be smooth, happy or tranquil. Sometimes you need to relieve a little stress, and there’s no better way to do that than by rocking out to some of the best hardcore punk rock music that the 80’s has to offer. If you’re feeling particularly stressed out, go ahead and have a “TV party.”
Justice : †
Working on a project and need some motivation? Justice is your solution. With an opening as awe-inspiring as “Genesis,” Justice is sure to get you absolutely pumped about whatever work you need to do. Sure, people might look at you funny when you start dancing in the middle of the library, but who cares? You just finished all your work in half an hour. Good job!
Kanye West : Graduation
Yeezy is one ambitious guy. It seems like he accomplishes anything he sets out to do, so what better music to listen to than the music made by a man who is a living example of the old adage “if you believe in yourself all your dreams will come true?” I recommend setting your  alarm to the song “Good Morning” –  Mr. West will be sure you’re motivated to accomplish all your exams and more.

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