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We dig giant robots

The elections are over, so now we can finally focus on what really matters: giant fighting robots.
MegaBots, Inc. is looking to create the first manned, bipedal robot designed for combat.

Engineers at MegaBots, Inc. have spent the past four months perfecting giant fighting robot technologies and creating a Megabot prototype. When completed, the Robot will stand around 15 feet tall and weigh 15,000 pounds.

Of course, constructing these behemoths is not cheap, so MegaBots, Inc. has turned to Kickstarter to help fund the project. The company is looking for a whopping $1.8 million, and as of Nov. 5, the project has only raised around $42,000.

The goal of this project is to create a whole fighting robot league. A new sport has emerged where pilots can strap into their robot and fire high speed cannons at other competitors in a giant arena.
No lethal weaponry will be used. Instead, the robots will be armed with guns and turrets that fire paint-filled cannonball-esque projectiles that can fly at upwards of 120mph. Computers in the robots will track the hits it receives and damage to the robot will be dealt accordingly.

The MegaBots are designed with breakaway armor and detachable limbs, so as the robots continue to get hit, their armor will be torn apart and their limbs will blow off. They will start to limp and once enough damage is dealt, they will shut down completely.

The robots move using pneumatic technologies similar to those used in heavy construction machinery, and are powered by advanced miniature electrohydraulic powerplants that enable MegaBots to run off batteries.

The first ever MegaBots tournament will be held May 2016, but only if the project acquires full funding.

One of the main reasons the project turned to Kickstarter for funding is to gauge the public’s interest in the sport of giant robotronic combat.

“We need to know that the world is ready for giant combat robots to exist,” MegaBots, Inc. said on their Kickstarter page. “We need to know that we have fans who will pilot robots, fill stadiums, watch the games from home, spread the word and cheer us on as we work on this project.”

Even if the required $1.8 million does get funded, that will only be enough to construct two giant fighting robots. However, the company seems hopeful that they will be able to get increased funding to build more robots, which in turn will allow the tournament to host all sorts of games like team battle, capture the flag or king of the hill.

MegaBots, Inc. will also soon be looking for pilots to control the robots. Matt Oehrlein, co-founder of MegaBots, Inc. said in a recent interview with Vice that a video contest held on social media will soon begin. Pilots will be determined on how many likes/shares they get on the video they post to the MegaBots page explaining why they should be a pilot.

If you want to be a pilot, keep a close eye on MegaBots’ social media pages, or you can always pledge $999,999 to the project to have MegaBots, Inc. custom build your very own giant fighting robot.

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