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Posts published in “Voice”

The Devil’s advocate

Author’s note: This piece is meant to provide a perspective against Halloween. Some of the aspects and thoughts in this peice are overdramatized for effect. You know what doesn’t go together? Thin and cheap clothing, cold weather and a high chance of alcohol. But hey,…

A personal fear

Walking to class, all that can be heard is laughter – the kind that makes your stomach turn; the noise that can’t be blocked out. All that can be seen are wandering eyes that always seem to find you; the kind of gaze that sunglasses…

Candy commotion

Halloween is a time for costumes, creeping and, even as adults, candy. But before you reach for your typical Snickers or Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup for a quick energy boost in the spirit of spooky season, take a look around to see what else is…

Do you buy the self-help stigma?

“Like most self-help books, this is a lot of nice talk with absolutely no guidance as to how to actually do anything. Summary: you can be really great at stuff! Just believe in yourself! Confidence!,” reads Amazon customer Ethan Haltomon’s one star review of “You…

Problematic favorites

Some things are better with age: wine, cheese, Colin Firth in Mamma Mia. Time isn’t so kind to others. The group I’ve painfully watched suffer the most is once iconic television characters that are now dubbed unacceptable. There are certainly a number of reasons behind…


I’ve been listening. Whether you’re walking on campus, eating in the student center or sitting in class, your words aren’t safe. I guess you could say your words are never safe because you never really know who’s listening. These past few weeks I’ve been paying…

It’s time we talk about teen suicide

It’s no secret that teen suicide has increased greatly in the past decade. So why do we treat it like nobody knows? A few weeks ago, in my home city of Denver, Colorado, two teenagers committed suicide. It happened days apart. They attended the same…

Good ‘ole Geisert

Ah, yes, Geisert. Where the food is warm and the freshmen seek shelter. As a senior, I know there’s really no place like a college dining hall. You’ve got your salad bar, sandwich bar, and a variety of different meal options. Something for everyone. Geisert…

Cartoons for all ages

Saturday morning cartoons. Nothing beats jumping out of bed, pouring your bowl of cereal and sitting down in front of the TV to enjoy your favorite shows. As I was reminiscing about some of my favorite cartoons of the past, something caught my eye. At…

The end of the world

Forests are becoming engulfed in flames, coastal cities are being flooded with rising ocean levels and famine is forcing us to our knees, but worst of all, we may lose our beautiful and bountiful fields of corn. When will we begin to care? The International…

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