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Editorial: Prepare for the future while maintaining mental health

With the Smith Career Center’s in-person Spring Job and Internship Fair coming up on Feb. 22, the realities of life after college are also approaching. Many fears come to mind with this realization, and here are some tips to ease people through the transition.

Whether you are looking for your first job out of college or a summer internship, there are some steps that you can take to manage the stress of the search.

The Smith Career Center offers services in preparation for the job fair and general help in job searching. These workshops range from resume critiques and interview tips to advising on salary negotiation and networking. For someone struggling with these areas, these workshops could provide the necessary help to be confident.

Making an appointment with your career adviser will give you a more one-on-one opportunity to go through your resume and the job search process.

Bradley netWORK is also a good platform to start looking for potential employers with job openings. LinkedIn, Indeed and ZipRecruiter are also useful sites to look for job descriptions and apply.

Take advantage of other resources on campus such as the Hayden-Clark Alumni Center. See if there are any alumni keeping in-touch with Bradley in a career field related to your interest. While it might not land you a job right away, it can get you tips about the field and hear what employers could be looking for.

Job searching can be extremely stressful while trying to maintain current course loads, so it is also important to consider your mental health during this time. Updating resumes, writing personalized cover letters and scrolling through the above job search platforms takes time and energy, and it may seem like you don’t have enough of either.

Forbes and Indeed provide some advice to maintain good mental health habits while navigating job descriptions. Some tips include redirecting negative self-talk, setting realistic goals and taking breaks.

If you have more specific concerns, breaks down some common job search anxieties.

Google can be your best friend for advice and job searching, but talking to your friends, professors and career advisers can also be beneficial if you’re having a stressful time.

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