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One-on-One: Is the CIT worth watching?

Before Monday’s game, this question was a toss-up. Afterward, it is hands down worth watching.
Had Bradley declined the chance to take part in the CIT, Chris Roberts would never have hit the three-quarters court shot, and I would not have seen one of the best shots in the history of Bradley basketball.
Obviously I would rather see this team in the NCAA Tournament or even the NIT, but something is better than nothing.
If the team wasn’t playing in the tournament, I would have most likely spent my Monday night at home watching Monday Night Raw.
Instead, I saw a great game.
It’s also a great opportunity for this team to add a few games to its resume, and pick up some more experience. Just think of the confidence Roberts will have after hitting that shot.
Who knows, maybe the extra playing time these players pick up will be what pushes them into the NCAA next season.
-Alex Mayster

Though the Postseason Tournament allows teams to continue their seasons, I don’t think the CIT is worth watching. 
The NCAA Tournament is where all the action is, and there is a reason why certain teams are in that tournament.
Why would I choose to watch the CIT when I am already all wrapped up in my NCAA bracket?
The top basketball programs such as Louisville, North Carolina, Duke and others deserve to play in the most important basketball tournament.
There are three postseason college tournaments already, and I don’t see the reason for another.
Not only do I think the CIT is really not worth watching, I don’t think others will watch it anyway. 
There is just too much great basketball being played in the NCAA tournament and since the teams are better, it will attract more viewers.
So why bother watching mediocre teams compete, when the NCAA provides the most exciting and intense games? 
-Jeff DeChavez
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