There seems to be a common misconception by The Scout editorial board that the progress of Student Senate can only be measured in the number of resolutions passed. This is not the case.
Three years ago, senate did not pass any resolutions, so passing any now is an accomplishment, but not a measure of progress. In fact, there are many issues that do not require a resolution because they can be worked out with the administration ahead of time. This so-called indicator of progress has always annoyed me because it overlooks all of the hard work the executive board and officers are doing. There may have been feuds last year, yet a lot was accomplished and just because The Scout never reported on it does not mean it did not happen. In fact, I, along with others on the executive board, were hardly, if ever, contacted on what we were doing. Yet, The Scout continues to say that little was accomplished last year. This is false, misleading and offensive not only to me, but to the members of last year’s executive board who worked tirelessly to better this campus. Laziness to ask what the executive board is doing and just to simply look at resolutions passed as a measure of progress is simply poor reporting.
Student Body President Tricia Anklan and her executive board are all passionate, capable and hardworking individuals who love this student body, just like the executive board last year, even though many in this paper alleged otherwise. I am positive they have been working hard for this university.
Like you state, and I believe this refers to your reporting, “there is no need for two years of disappointment in a row, and there’s plenty of time for improvements.”
Nicholas Swiatkowski
Former Student Body President