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Posts published in “Voice”

Four for fighting

When we were younger, summers used to be filled with freedom. We had friends, we had TV and we had the carelessness a child ought to have. Now, summers are filled with preparation.  With every plan for the future, along with every number being crunched,…

Marvel’s ‘Infinity War’ may meet its match

On the weekend of April 27th, the last before our finals here on the Hilltop, Bradley students raced to Peoria movie theaters for a record breaking experience.  By its third week of showings, Marvel’s latest blockbuster and fourth installment of the series, “Avenger’s: Infinity War,”…

In defense of Geisert

The words “cafeteria” or “dining hall” summon images of hair-netted lunch ladies slopping mysterious gray-ish brown lumps on your outheld lunch tray. Options typically include mystery meat or… mystery meat. Not at Geisert. At Bradley University, the mention of Geisert dining hall often brings about…

Hang in there

The car’s all packed up, you’re all cried out, and no matter how many hugs you’ve had, you’ll always need one more. Memories are flashing through your mind; you’d give anything for one more week,one more day.  Yes, saying goodbye to your parents is hard…

Your ‘Truman Show’

College is, for lack of a better word, a sh*tstorm. The emotional trauma, the moments of silliness and the passing characters that unfold over the course of four years are enough to make students return home with several scars on their backs and give everybody…

College’s 86 percent

College can be full of moral ambiguity. No two people share mirrored views on right and wrong. For college campuses, this especially applies to academics. When it comes to getting an A, students seem to be willing to do whatever it takes. In 2017, Kessler…

Spring fever

Whether it’s the throbbing bass from the house next door that wakes you up or the birds chirping outside your window, evidence is all around us signaling spring has sprung. Students all over campus are coming out of their cocoons and embracing the outside world…

Internships ARE worth the hype

Summer is almost upon us, ladies and gents. While for some that means sun, fun and heading home, others are gearing up for a taste of the professional world. These three months off are prime time for college students to put themselves out there for…

Well, DAMN, Kung Fu Kenny is a Pulitzer Prize-winner

Kendrick Lamar is the king of hip-hop right now. His fourth album “DAMN.” was released almost exactly a year ago and was the fastest-selling album of the year. Of the 14 tracks offered, each one brought something completely new to the table. Lamar experiments with…

Sit down and watch ‘The Standups’

I love a good underdog. And while the comedians featured on Netflix’s series “The Standups” may not exactly be considered underdogs, their half hour sessions are an ideal platform for experiencing different comedic styles. Yes, they landed a gig on Netflix, which is a massive…

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