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BUPD releases Annual Security Report

The Bradley University Police Department published its Annual Security and Fire Safety Report for 2017 this morning.

The report showed stalking numbers cut in half, declines in motor vehicle theft and fondling, but a slight increase in rape and burglary.

The report is required by federal law according to the Clery Act, which requires all colleges and universities to keep and disclose information about crimes on and near the campus area, categorized by type of the crime and location in the past three years.

In the report, all crimes are categorized into five sections – criminal offenses, hate crimes, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) offenses, arrest and referrals – each with more detailed subcategories.

All crime statistics are classified into on campus (including residence halls), on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus and in or on non-campus buildings or property that the institution owns or controls.

Reported criminal offenses were rape, robbery, burglary and motor vehicle theft.

In the 2017 calendar year, there were six reports of rape, five of which occurred in residence halls. Last year, there were five rapes reported, with all occurring in the residence halls.

The Clery Act defines rape as “the penetration, no matter how slight, or the vagina or anus, with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

There were no reported fondlings in 2017 after four reports in 2016.

The report showed four cases of burglaries, all occurring in residence halls. In 2016, there were three burglaries on campus.

There was a decrease in the number of motor vehicle thefts from five on campus to just one this year.

VAWA offenses include domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. The act applies to all genders, not just crimes against women.

There were six reports of domestic violence on campus in 2017 with three of them reported in the residences halls. There were also six reports of stalking, two of which happened in residence halls. Last year there were 12 reports of stalking.

Under Illinois state law, dating violence is always classified as domestic violence.

There were three arrests for drugs and two arrests for alcohol in 2017.

Additionally, there were 90 referrals to the university for alcohol, a significant increase from last year’s 62.

There were no hate crimes reported in 2017.

The Clery Act does not require the university to publish crime statistics in the community surrounding the university.

The full security and fire safety report is available at BUPD office and online.

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