The hours at the Cullom-Davis Library were recently changed to open earlier on the weekend and close earlier during the week.
Some study late at night, some study early in the morning on the weekend. Although it seems like a slight change, the new hours will be beneficial for certain students.
Many students have busy class schedules and work part-time throughout the week and weekend. Because of these jammed calendars, getting together for a group project can be difficult and sometimes the only option is Sunday morning at 10 or 11 a.m. With the student center not opening until 11 a.m. on Sunday, there is limited space on campus for students to meet.
This change allows students with busy schedules to have another hour on the weekend to use the library’s services.
Executive director of the library, Barbara Galik, said she doesn’t believe the change was needed. Her reasoning for this was by tracking the amount of students in the library after 3:30 a.m. compared to the amount of students waiting for the library to open on the weekends.
This comparison is not a true sign of how many students will benefit from or want the change. What if a student checks the library hours online before leaving their dorm, house or apartment? Then they wouldn’t be waiting outside. This also doesn’t account for students that have been inconvenienced by the library’s late opening before and already know they cannot get in.
The survey from Student Senate shows more accurately that students would like the hours changed. Approximately 67 percent of students said they would like to have the library opened earlier on the weekends. Even though there might not be a large crowd at the library on Saturday and Sunday mornings, students are still trying to study or meet with groups on the weekend.
This is what student government is for: to serve the needs of the students. We commend Student Senate for getting something changed for the good of the student body. It may be a slight change, but it is a step in the right direction.