The Greek night BU was an event structured to allow the Bradley community to see what Greek life is all about. Some take a biased approach to the event; however, the event was open to all and permitted non-Greek members to socialize with Greek members. Another event for non-Greeks to catch up with the Greek community is the block party, but this is not the topic being discussed. The event presented the chance for students who had not rushed, to get a sense of what Greek life entails. The Bradley Greek community is unique in that is about 30 percent of Bradley student population.
The Bradley Greek system is extremely tolerant of all types of personalities and walks of life from which members come. Everyone pays the student activities fees and those funds support excellent activities. Because of the unique quality of having a 30 percent student population, which is a large amount of students involved in some form of Greek life, student activities saw a just cause to allow for a Greek Late Night BU.
IFC and [the Panhellenic Council] were given this opportunity to present the worthiness of the Greek community to Bradley community. If the student activities did not have the funds or foresaw a possible future conflict with future funding for LNBU events, then they would not have hosted this event.
To blame the Greek community for taking away from the other students just because Bradley wanted to avoid Blackout Monday is absurd and unjustifiable. Blackout Monday activities were carried out Tuesday and many students Greek and non-Greek alike had a great night. No one can blatantly say that this Greek late night BU was geared just for Greek students. The Greek system takes an unbiased and very tolerable approach to all and opened the doors to all to attend the event. The reason why there were so many Greeks there, other than mandatory attendance, is that the Greek community wants students to get involved around campus and hopefully in Greek life.
Joining the Greek community at Bradley is something to be enjoyed and IFC and Panhel want others to get involved. Do not bash the Greeks for taking over LNBU, it was one event and I doubt it will happen again this year. There will be a sufficient amount of other LNBU’s later this year.
The reason the vendors were directed towards Greek because it was a Greek life event to show the students the different types of houses on campus. Students interested in Greek life may remember an event at one of the houses and remember the Greek symbols. If they remember the symbols from a particular, then these students come become beneficial members to the Greek community. Just because some felt left out does not give them the right to bash the Greek community and all others who attended and enjoyed the Greek late night BU event.
-Edward Antanitus,
Senior political science major